Are you going to Heaven?

Where you spend eternity is the most important decision you will make. Our only goal is that you have all the information. Please watch this 8 min video. 

The Good News

Accurate Gospel Presenations

Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world’s top universities.


I am a good person, therefore I will go to Heaven

There are a lot of important questions to ask yourself in life, but none more than if you’re a good person, and then…if you’re “good enough” to get into Heaven.


There is no Hell.

If hell is anything close to this vision … you don’t want to spend eternity there. This is serious. 


I can't trust the Bible. Written by man. Bible has been diluted through Translations.

Can we trust the Bible?


If God were loving ... He would save everybody.

Great Question. Great Answer.


There are many ways to God. All Religions lead to God.

Are there many ways to God?


I don't believe in a God bad allows bad things to happen to good people.

Why does God allow suffering?


What about atrocities and evil done in the name of Jesus?


Science disproves God.


Jesus is not God. The Trinity is confusing.

A former Muslim explains that Jesus is God … and the Trinity.


A loving God would not send a good person to Hell


Why does God allow so much Suffering and Evil?


The bible is not an accurate historical document.


I live my truth. Your truth is your truth. It's all relative.


I am LGBTQ or Have friends that are LBGTQ.

Over twenty years ago, Rosaria Butterfield was a tenured professor of English literature and women’s studies at Syracuse University. Her primary academic field was critical theory specializing in queer theory. She lobbied for LGBT aims alongside her lesbian partner until she encountered Christ in what she described as a “train wreck” in 1999. She joins me on the podcast to share her razor sharp insights when it comes to biblical sexuality, identity, and repentance. Her academic background with a historical focus on 19th century literature informed by Marx, Darwin, and Freud has given her a unique understanding of how our culture has been influenced by these historical figures when it comes to sexuality and identity


I am Pro-Choice

”180” has been called a half-hour of “video adrenaline,” an “emotional rollercoaster,” and “mind-blowing.” This riveting, award-winning documentary carries a unique message in which you will see eight people change their minds on abortion in a matter of seconds…because they were asked one question.


I am Muslim


I am JW


I am Catholic. I was baptized as a baby, so I am going to Heaven.


I am Mormon

Next Steps

Download your Bible. Start with Matthew and read the New Testament.

Find a Bible Based Church

More Questions? Ask the Pastor at your new church. If you can't wait, this is a good tool.

Learn To Share The Gospel with others. Share your testimony with family and friends. Living Waters has amazing resources to help you share The Gospel.

Ask your Pastor to help you understand your salvation. Get Baptised. Ask your church for 1:1 Discipleship.

Avoid False Teachers. Unfortunately many pastors and churches fall into this category.

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